“The truth is that you can choose to write without sources that are credible.”
Academic work differs from general pieces of writing. Unlike the latter, the former requires authors to back their information by academic sources. Not only is the information supposed to be backed by other research work, but it should also be credible.
This means that all the details included in any academic piece of writing are supposed to be corroborated by sources that are reliable.
But, the truth is that you can choose to write without sources that are credible. There are some academic papers that contain viable information but whose sources are not worth any accolades.
You may be wondering whether it is even necessary to care about the credibility of the references in your papers. The truth is that citing reputable sources is important in any academic paper.
There are countless reasons that can account for this as clearly indicated in the passage.
The Quality Of Information Presented Is Determined By The Sources
When you are writing any academic paper or piece of writing of any kind backed by academic sources, the first and most important thing you have to do is to search for academic sources that are credible.
Over the years, it has been discovered that recent academic publications are generally more reliable than the old ones. As such, it is generally recommended to go for sources that are recent. They contain updated information and are thus likely to be more credible than the old ones.
The quality of the sources is the one that determines the quality of any academic piece of writing. It thus follows that academic work is more reliable if it is backed by sources that are credible.
The image of any piece of writing is elevated by the quality of the sources.
It Is One Way To Attract Readers
Before any academician can begin to write anything, one has to consider the audience the piece of writing is meant for. This is important because the information contained in the document is supposed to be consistent with the needs of the targeted readers. If this condition is not met, the piece of writing will not be attractive to readers.
There are numerous ways to attract readers to an academic article. One of the major ways to do so is to use sources that are credible.
It is important to make citations that are renowned for being reputable. Quoting from sources from journals that have a global reputation is usually a good idea. It is one of the most reliable ways to win the hearts of readers.

“One of the major ways to make sure a paper is good enough to attract a good grade after it has been evaluated is to reference credible source.”
It Is One Way To Get Better Grades
A good number of academic pieces of writing are written for publication. But, countless others are written in partial fulfillment of the tertiary education requirements. For example, there are numerous academic papers that are written as part of the final year requirements. Such papers are supposed to meet certain conditions if they are to be awarded good grades or even marked.
One of the major ways to make sure a paper is good enough to attract a good grade after it has been evaluated is to reference credible sources. Instructors are often strict when it comes to this issue.
They are already aware of the fact that the information contained in any research paper is supposed to be sourced from academic writings.
With this in mind, they are not willing to award good grades to papers that are not backed by credible academic sources.
Therefore, it is always advisable to get information from reputable sources when writing an academic paper of any kind.
It Is One Way To Find A Place On Reputable Publishing Sites
There are numerous sites that publishing academic work. But, such sites often have certain conditions that have to be met. Only after such conditions have been met can a specific academic piece of writing be published.